You can access your Scorecard and Comyple products from Control, and access Control from any Scorecard and Compyle product.
On the Control home page, all products are listed on the right for the active instance or current site.
Clicking any product opens that product for the active instance.
Multiple Instance Users
Most users only have access to one Scorecard and Compyle suite or instance. However, some users work in more than one Scorecard or Compyle instance as part of a collaborative, such as a large organization with many community partners, a statewide government entity, or other partnership for collective impact.
Users who have access to multiple instances can switch among those instances while working in Control, Scorecard, and Compyle. Your current instance is listed at the top right of the navigation menu in Control, Scorecard 7.0, and Compyle.
If your organization has multiple instances, clicking the instance name opens a drop-down menu you can use to switch to another site.
Accessing Control from Scorecard
If you are working in Scorecard, you can access Control by clicking your user name and choosing Clear Impact Account.
Access Control from Compyle*
From Compyle, admin users can access Control by expanding the Admin section of the navigation menu, and clicking Clear Impact Control. (*Pending Spring 2022 Compyle-Control release)
Users without administrator permission can first access Scorecard, and from Scorecard access Control.