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  3. Rolling Up Data Across the Unlimited Suite Network

Unlimited Suite: Overview of Data Flow

Overview: How analytics data from partners' Compyle instances can flow to partners' Scorecard instances and from there to aggregate measures in the lead agency's Scorecard instance.

Our goal is to use the lead agency's scorecard instance to aggregate data from all partner sites in the unlimited suite network. 

Data Flow in an Unlimited Suite 

Hierarchy with Lead Agency Scorecard at the top then partner Scorecards and then the partner Compyle sites linked to the partner Scorecards.

Data flows from Compyle to the paired Scorecard site and only to that specific Scorecard site. A partner agency's Compyle instance cannot directly feed data to the lead agency's Scorecard. Data has to flow from the partner's Scorecard instance to the lead agency's Scorecard instance through Partner Connect relationships. The partner agencies share measures with the lead agency, and the lead agency creates aggregate measures using those shared measures. 



What You Need Before You Start

  • A collective impact model, such as Results Based Accountability (RBA)
  • A data map of how partner program activities contribute to partner performances measures which roll up into lead agency measures/population indicators. 
  • Multi-site administrator access to the lead agency and partner sites
  • A working knowledge of Scorecard and Compyle (or a willingness to learn)
  • Good communication between the lead agency and the partners
Data Map Element Purpose Application (Area)
List of population indicators or performance measures the lead agency and the partners are working toward collaboratively Building out lead agency Scorecard indicators/measures Scorecard (Scorecards, Measures)
a breakdown of which partner performance measures contribute to each of those lead agency measures For building out partner Scorecard sites and the lead agency aggregate measures Scorecard (Scorecards, Partner Connect)
how each of the partner performance measures will be tracked in Compyle or elsewhere and technical definitions for those  measures For designing Compyle surveys, data forms, and notes as well as compylations and Compyle-to-Scorecard feeds Compyle (Data Collection & Analytics)
how often data will be reported For setting the reporting frequencies in Scorecard, the data collection timeframes in Compyle,  the compylation periods in Compyle, and the scheduled feed transfer cycle. Scorecard (Reporting Frequencies, Custom Calendars, Measure Reporting Periods)
Compyle (Linked custom calendars, Surveys/Notes, Compylations, Scorecard Feeds) 


How the data map translates into product features at each layer of the unlimited suite network