Unlimited Suite Initial Implementation Questions

Implementation Support Planning

The questions below will help Clear Impact get a sense of the level of support you need or want related to the implementation of Unlimited Suite including planning, set-up, training, technical assistance, and other related supports.


Instances and Users

  1. How many staff do you expect will use Scorecard?
  2. How many staff do you expect will use Compyle?
  3. How many departments do you expect will use Compyle (if applicable)?
  4. How many instances (partner organizations do you plan to have?
    1. How many users do you expect across those organizations?
  5. Will you need demos or overviews for potential users prior to implementation?
    1. If so, how many people/demos?


Scorecard Building

  1. Do you want help to map out a workflow for your Scorecard structure?
  2. Would you like to create the Scorecards yourself or would you like help to create them?
    1. If you would like help to create them, do you want help to create all of them or to create a few that can be replicated?
  3. Do you have historical aggregate data that you want migrated into Scorecard?
    1. If so, do you have a sense of the scope of this need?
      1. Is it in Excel, another data system, or some other source?
      2. How many years of data across how many measures and partners?
    2. Do you need help with data entry once your Scorecards are set up?


Compyle Setup

  1. Do you have any shared data collection tools/forms/fields you plan to require from your partners?
    1. Think about Scorecard feeds when talking through this piece - what data will you use from Compyle for your measures in Scorecard and how will you capture it consistently for data quality?
    2. If so, do you already have these developed?
      1. Do you need help to create them in Compyle?
    3. If so, do you want to have a pilot testing group who will use the required forms and provide feedback before rolling out to other users?
  2. Do you want help setting up the feeds between Compyle and Scorecard?
  3. Do you have historical data that you want migrated into Compyle?
    1. If so, do you have a sense of the scope of this need?
      1. Is it in Excel, another data system, or some other source?
      2. How many years of data across how many fields and partners?


Training and Technical Assistance

  1. Are you currently using Results-Based Accountability (RBA)?
    1. If not, are you interested in training and support around RBA?
  2. In terms of technical training, would you like Clear Impact to train your staff and all partner users in Scorecard and Compyle?
    1. Or, would you like Clear Impact to train a group of staff who then train all other users?
  3. Do you want some ongoing access for support related to Suite (outside of Help Desk for bug fixes)?
  4. Do you want help with facilitating feedback sessions with partners/users or providing office hours for one-on-one support to partners/users?