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Time Periods and Frequencies

Frequency in Data Tools/Surveys and Calculation Time Period in Compylations

Time periods are set for both surveys/data tools and compylations. The frequency for a survey/data tool does not have to match the calculation time period. Data might be gathered monthly but reported quarterly or annually through a calculation and a Scorecard Feed.

Surveys / Data Tools and Notes 

The frequency for the survey/data tool will determine how dates are set for survey responses. The date will be based on the date of the data tool/survey instance and how often the survey repeats. Apart from notes and daily surveys/data tools, the date will be set to the first day of the survey/data tool time period, such as January 1, 2023 for an annual survey.  When exporting data from surveys/data tools, the date of the instance will usually be the first day of some month unless it is a daily instance. 


Time Period / Frequency Description Date Entered Example
Daily Each instance is a single day. The current day. Today


(Multiple per day)

Each instance is a single day.

There may be multiple instances for the same day. This happens when the same participant/organization has more than one note of the same note type for the same day. 

Date of Note (editable before first save) Yesterday
Monthly Each instance is a calendar month. First day of the month December 1, 2022
Quarterly Each instance spans three months. First day of the quarter April 1, 2023
Annually Each instance spans a full year. First day of the year January 1, 2023
Fiscal Year

Each instance spans a year.

The Fiscal Year name is represented by the year of the end date. When we create a Fiscal Year survey, if the instance fiscal year start month is July, then the name "FY2022" represents the period from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. 

First day of the fiscal year start month (in Instance Settings) for the first year. 

FY 2021


Date Entered: 


Fiscal Quarter

Each instance spans three months.

The Fiscal Quarter name is usually represented by the year of the end date followed by "FQ#"

First day of each fiscal quarter

2022 FQ1



Date Entered:




In compylations, the calculation time period options are based on the survey/data tool time period. Calculations can summarize the data for the same time period as the survey/data tool frequency or for any longer time periods. However, calculation time periods cannot be shorter than the survey frequency. 


Survey/Data Instrument Frequency Compylation Calculation Time Periods
Daily Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year, Fiscal Quarter


(Multiple Per Day)

Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year, Fiscal Quarter
Monthly Monthly, Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year, Fiscal Quarter
Quarterly Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year, Fiscal Quarter
Annually Annually, Fiscal Year
Fiscal Quarter Fiscal Quarter, Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year
Fiscal Year Annually, Fiscal Year
*Fiscal Half Year Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Year, Annually, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Half Year, Fiscal Quarter *not typical