Unlimited Suite: Partner Agency/Affiliate Data Tracking Self-Assessment

Partner Agency/Affiliate Data Tracking Self-Assessment

Customer Information Gathering from Partner Agencies

For each partner organization or affiliate, it is helpful to know some basic details about how they are currently collecting and storing the data that will be entered into Compyle and Scorecard when the unlimited suite launches. If the Lead Agency will use their Compyle instance to track their own programs and services in addition to Scorecard, the Lead Agency should complete the assessment and provide sample forms as well.


The Data Tracking Self-Assessment can be added to the Lead Agency's Compyle instance and administered electronically via a link. Please contact the consultant leading your implementation to request this.

Partner Agency/Affiliate Data Tracking Self-Assessment

  • Who will be the partner administrator(s) for the suite instance? An instance administrator will have access to all of the data in that instance for technical assistance purposes
    • Admin Name:
    • Admin Email:
    • Backup Admin Name:
    • Backup Admin Email:

  • How are you collecting information about service recipients, services, and performance measures? How much historical data do you have and where is it?
    • Examples: Excel, Paper, Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, etc
    • Examples: Scorecard, Compyle, Access, Salesforce, ETO, Apricot, ClientTrack, etc


  • Are there any data entry systems you are required to use?
    • Example: state mandated reporting system
    • Example: required by a funder


  • How are you reporting on information about service delivery and performance measurement?
    • Examples: Excel, Tableau, Google Sheets, etc


  • Will you track any programs or services in Clear Impact that are subject to special local or federal reporting requirements? If so, please describe
    • Examples: HUD HMIS shelter & transitional housing: HIT, PIC, CAPER
    • Examples: VAWA domestic violence shelter


  • Are there any new information, programs, services, performance measures that you anticipate tracking in the near future?

Partner Agency/Affiliate Form Samples for Developing Common Forms

Please provide examples of the forms you currently use to collect information. 

  • Participant/client/household/organization intake forms
  • Application and registration forms
  • Surveys, assessments, and other repeatedly collected forms
  • Case notes, activities, engagements, and other supporting forms
  • Participant outcomes information