Your User Account: Change Your Password and Edit Your Name

How to edit your name and change your password

Note: This article is about managing your personal account details, and not about managing your organization account.

Changing Your Password

To change your password to something memorable, login to Clear Impact Software with your current password. Look for your user name in the top right and expand the menu there. Choose the "Account" option, which is labeled differently depending on where you are.  

From Scorecard

  • Find your name in the top navigation bar.

  • Expand the user menu.

  • Click Clear Impact Account.

From Control

  • Find your name in the top navigation bar.

  • Expand the user menu.

  • Click Account.

From Compyle

  • Find your name in the top navigation bar.

  • Expand the user menu.

  • Click Account.


When the Manage [Your Name] page opens in Control

  • Enter your current password. 

  • Enter your new password

  • Reenter your new password to confirm in the "Re-password" field

  • Save the change.

Updating Your Name

To view or edit your personal account details, start in the Control home page, and click View my User Account.

In the Edit window, you can change your first or last name. Role can be changed if you are an admin user. 

You can also use the Reset Password button to generate a random password which will be sent by email. Typically, the administrator for your Clear Impact site will use this button to have the software assign a temporary password and email you. 

To change your password directly in the system, click your user name at the top right and choose Account.