Import Data 

For users with instance administrator permission.

Users can manually enter scorecard data, but if you have data in a CSV file, you can import all data at once.


To import a data spreadsheet, click the Administration icon at the top, and choose Import Data.


Read the instructions on this page carefully. While importing it’s possible to update or overwrite existing data, which cannot be undone

The import format must include specific columns and headers. We recommend first downloading the sample file to use as a template. 


The five import columns include id, actual_value_date, target_value, actual_value, and comment.  


Once downloaded, fill in the file with your data.

  • id (required): The ID of the measure into which the values will be imported. This ID is the series of numbers at the end of the URL of the page when viewing a measure.
  • actual_value_date (required): Format must be MM/DD/YYYY. To specify a time period, use a date anytime within that period. For example, if the measure takes monthly data, and you have a value for April 2021, you can use any date within that month, such as 04/15/2021.
  • target_value (optional), actual_value (required): Numerical values up to six decimals. Do not include symbols such as % or $. If the value is a percent, use the percent number, not the decimal. For example, 90% should be entered as 90.
  • comment (optional): Enter up to 255 characters; comments over 255 characters will be truncated.

For each row in the import file, a new measure value will be added in Scorecard. If there is already measure data for a time period for which there is also data in the import file, the imported value will overwrite the existing value. To preserve existing measure data, leave the data field empty in the import file.

Be sure to include the header row, with the exact spelling used in the template. Save the file in CSV format.

Then use Choose File to find the file, and once uploaded, click Run Import.