Note: For paid subscriptions, variables are a no-cost measure alternative, designed for use as disaggregated (child) measures in calculated (aggregated) measures. Variables contain data only - no notes, actions, or file attachments. Viewing and editing variables can be done from the Variable list (Object / Measures / Variables), or from within the calculated measures to which they are added.
To view an indicator or performance measure, you can start by viewing a scorecard that contains the measure. Then click the measure name.
Or you can open the Indicators list or Performance Measures list, search for the measure you want to view, and click its name or View button. (If you have long lists of measures, or your lists include multiple measures with similar or identical names, tags enable you to filter your search.)
Note: The rest of this article covers the editing options for indicators. Options for editing performance measures are identical.
At the top left you can see the measure's reporting frequency, polarity, and whether the data is entered manually or calculated. If this is a measure you’ll want to access often, clicking the star icon to the left of the measure name will mark the measure as a favorite. Favorite measures, as well as favorite scorecards, are listed on your Dashboard.
At the top right are icons to Edit measure settings, and Export to formats including Excel. Clicking the Options button presents options to View Related measures, get Embed codes, and Share Success Story. The Add drop-down menu has options to add Notes, add the measure to a Container, and add the measure to an Aggregating Measure (Parent). You can also add a Disaggregated Measure (Child) to this measure, and add a Measure to Compare on Graph.
When editing the measure, there are four tabs along the left.
- Basic Properties: Name, tags, measure type, description
- Formatting Properties: Decimal places, units, polarity
- Data Properties: Data source, frequency, calculation type (if used), manual targets, substituting zero for null values
- History: Creation and modification dates
If you make any changes, be sure to click Save.
Just below the measure name is the data graph. Above the graph are buttons to switch between Line and Bar display, change Graph Settings, Trend Line Comparison (if there is a compared measure) Edit Forecast, and Edit Data, for editing or adding data. There are also options to print the graph in several formats. On the right, clicking the Data tab displays a table of all data points that make up the graph.
Note: Users with admin permission can change the default colors and line widths used in graphs.
- Average
- Mode
- Median
- St. Dev. Sample
- St. Dev. Population

On the right, clicking the Notes tab displays the note types configured as the default notes for the measure type. To add a new note to the result, in addition to the default notes already included, use the Add / Notes option.
Note: Users with admin permission can configure the default set of notes included with each measure type. Admin users can also edit system-defined notes or create new note types.
When adding a note, choose one of the standard note types in your system. You can fill in the note now or later, and when finished, click Save.
Keep in mind: Note completing is a contributing factor to a scorecard’s engagement score.
To fill in a note, or edit or delete a note, click its Edit icon. Clicking a note’s History icon displays a chronological list of note additions and edits.
At the bottom of the page, below the graph, are three tabs:
- Relationships lists all containers that use the measure, as well as aggregated (parent) and disaggregated (child) measures, and comparison measures.
- File Attachments