
For users with instance administrator permission.


Notes are descriptive or informational text boxes that can be included with scorecard objects. Note completion is a contributing factor to a scorecard’s engagement score.

Scorecard comes with several types of standard notes, and you can create your own notes. 

Note: To configure the default notes included in containers and measures, open Object Types


To edit the standard notes, or create custom notes, click the Administration icon at the top, and choose Notes.

Note: Changing a note type name will update any existing notes that have already been added to scorecards. Updating default text for a note will only impact new notes.


The Note Types table lists all Scorecard-included standard notes. These cannot be deleted, though you can edit standard notes to contain default text and help text (these will be explained later in this article). Notes can also be reordered by dragging their three-dot icon; this establishes note order within a scorecard object.


To create a new note type, click Add New.


In the Create Note Type window, the only mandatory field is note Name. By default, notes are blank and can be filled in as needed. But you can add Default Text that will be included in the note, as well as Help Text, which can include instructions or extra information. For both types of text, all text formatting and editing features are available, including graphics, links, and video. In the last field, you can choose whether to impose a Character Limit. Click Save when finished.


The new note type is added to the end of the Note Types list, and you can drag to change its order. Non-standard notes can be deleted.


When this note is added to a container or added to a measure, you can choose whether to include its default text, which can then be added to or edited.


The help text appears in a popup, when you click the question mark icon in the note title.