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  2. Scorecard Documentation
  3. Viewing or Editing Scorecard Objects and Data

Viewing a Scorecard

In any scorecard page, the name of the most recently opened scorecard appears at the top left. Clicking this name opens the scorecard.


The easiest way to open a different scorecard is to click the drop-down arrow next to the name of the most recently opened scorecard. This opens the list of all scorecards, and you can click the one you want to view.


If your scorecard list is long, or if the scorecard you want doesn’t appear in the list because it is listed inside its parent scorecard, you can use the search field. Enter any part of the scorecard name to filter the list.

You can also find a scorecard in the Scorecards list. Browse the list to find the scorecard you want, or use the search field to narrow the list. Clicking the scorecard name or its View button opens the scorecard.

This opens the scorecard page. If this is a scorecard you’ll want to access often, clicking the star icon to the left of the scorecard name will mark the scorecard as a favorite. Favorite scorecards, as well as favorite measures, are listed on your Dashboard.


At the top right are Export and Embed options, as well as the Edit button to edit the scorecard

The slider can be used to adjust the level of displayed detail, from a minimum of only container dividers, to the maximum level of detail showing all data for all measures.  


Results and programs have a Note icon next to their name. Clicking this icon expands the list of notes, and clicking on a note name opens its text.

At the top of the scorecard,  you can click the values for Engagement Score or Impact Score to see score breakdowns. The engagement score defines the activity level of users responsible for keeping the scorecard up to date, and the impact score indicates whether progress is being made in terms of the indicators and performance measures. 


You can also switch the scorecard view to Strategy Map for creating a presentation, Gantt Chart for a timeline view of scorecard actions, or Scorecard Tiles.

In Scorecard Tiles view, each indicator or performance measure is shown with its data in its own tile, each of which can be expanded by clicking the icon at the top right.


While in any scorecard view other than the default, you can switch views, or return to Scorecard View, via the options at the top left. Or from any view, you can return to the default view by clicking the scorecard name at the left of the menu bar.