Completing a Survey / Data Collection Tool on Behalf of Participants

Compyle enables participants and organizations to fill out their own survey responses online. But Compyle users can also complete surveys on behalf of participants. For example, a teacher can record student responses during an in-person class, or social workers can enter responses while performing home visits.

Responses can be completed for one participant at a time, or for the entire list of survey instance participants.

Find the data collection that contains the survey, and click its name to open it.

Then click the name of the survey to open it. 

Click the ID or name of the instance, or any other instance field.


To complete the survey for a single participant, click the participant name. Or click the three-dot icon at the end of the participant row and choose Take Survey.

To complete survey responses for multiple participants, click the three-dot icon at the top of the Participants section and choose Participant Multi Entry Form

By default, questions are listed vertically along the left, and participants are listed along the top. To switch this arrangement, click Flip. You can also use the search field to locate a specific participant. 

If you want participant responses marked as Complete, enable Complete on Save. You can do this for all participants at once, or for individual participants.

After recording participant answers, be sure to click Save.