Manage Users

For administrators only

To manage Compyle users in your organization, open Admin from the sidebar and choose Manage Users.

This opens the list of all Compyle users in your organization, with their role, username, and other data. 

Users are set up in Clear Impact Control, so clicking Create New User takes you to the Control Users page. Users are synced hourly between the two applications, but you can click Sync Now to make an immediate update.

By default, users can have one of three roles, though additional user roles can be configured.

The default roles are: 

  • Administrators, who have full access to all features, including site-level settings
  • Creators, who can access and create participants, surveys, and analytics, but cannot access site-level settings
  • Viewers, who can only view participants, survey, and analytics, but cannot edit or create, nor access site-level settings

Clicking any user field opens the Edit User window. Admin users can change roles and deactivate accounts, but other changes must be completed in Control. 

Each user also has a three-dot icon at the end of the row, with options to edit or archive the user.


For information about Group access, please see Participant and Organization Groups