API: Import Data Values

Explanation of Import Data Value Parameters

  • id [int](Required) - The unique Clear Impact Scorecard ID for the measure that data values are being imported into. Measure IDs can be found by downloading the measure list.
  • actualValue [decimal] (Optional) - Integer data value for the actual value, up to 6 decimals
  • targetValue [decimal] (Optional) - Integer data value for the target value, up to 6 decimals
  • actualValueDate [dateTime] (Required) - Determines the time period to import the data value for, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD. To import values for a specific time period, use a date anywhere within that time period. For example, March 2013 runs from 2013-03-01 through 2013 - 03 - 31. So you can enter any date within this period, such as 2013-03-15.
  • comment [string] (Optional) - Comment for the data value, up to 255 characters (will be truncated after 255)
  • measureType [string] (Optional) - Deprecated as of 04/19/2020, this outdated parameter should only be used for legacy integrations.  This is used to determine if the ID is for an indicator ("i") or a Performance Measure ("p").

Data Import API Tips

  • Dates must entered as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • For % or $ metrics, do not include the symbols.
  • For % use the actual number, not a decimal (i.e. 90% should be entered as 90).
  • For each value that exists in the import, a new one will be created in Clear Impact Scorecard.
  • If a value already exists for a measure and time period, the value will be overwritten with what is in the payload, unless it is left blank.


The data values module has a few additional parameter requirements that may cause the import to fail, usually with an Error 304 (Not Modified).

  • You may only import one actual value into a single time period per import. If two of your data value parameters have the same date, or are within the same time period date range for a measure, the import will fail. For example, for an annual measure, the dates of 2014-01-01 and 2014-06-01 fall within the same time period. So if you have two data value parameters with these dates, the import will fail.
  • You cannot import data into calculated measures (indicators or performance measures with a calculationId != 1). 



XML Input

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<comment>comment: 0</comment>
<comment>comment: 1</comment>
<comment>comment: 2</comment>

XML Output

<string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">Import successful.</string>

JSON Input

"siteCode": "abc",
"apiKey": "eEIzvy0kCu017+D1VjjjI1f52Vmbm+VF2FvO",
"values": [
"ID": 26050,
"measureType": "i",
"actualValueDate": "2013-11-20T17:09:34.8550556Z",
"targetValue": 41598.381653414,
"actualValue": 1,
"comment": "comment: 0"
"ID": 26050,
"measureType": "i",
"actualValueDate": "2013-11-20T17:09:34.8550556Z",
"targetValue": 41598.381653414,
"actualValue": 1,
"comment": "comment: 1"
"ID": 26050,
"measureType": "i",
"actualValueDate": "2013-11-20T17:09:34.8550556Z",
"targetValue": 41598.381653414,
"actualValue": 1,
"comment": "comment: 2"

JSON Output

"Import successful."