Creating a Custom Report

Note: To learn the foundations of report creation, we recommend reading the article on customizing a default report before reading this article.

If the report you want to generate does not exist as a default report, or cannot be created by customizing a default report you can create a custom report from scratch.  

Go to Tools / Reports, and click Create a New Report.


The report in this example will list actions by measure. This will require data from three default reports:

  • Measures report
  • Measures_Actions report (to serve as a link between measures and actions)
  • Actions report

For the first set of fields, go to the Choose Data for Report section and choose the Measures report. All available fields for this report are listed below, from which you can choose the fields you want to include in the new report. In this example, measure ID and Title are selected, which become listed in the Selected data for the Report section.


The next report to locate is Measures_Actions, with fields Measure_ID and Action_ID. This provides the links between measures and actions.


The last report fields come from the Actions report: ID, ActionStatus, and Title. In the Selected data for the Report section, fields are listed in the order in which they will appear in the report. You can use a field’s double-arrow icon to drag fields to rearrange order.


To verify that the report will be generated correctly, assign a report name and click Save & Run Report.


In this example, the report presents the data correctly, but could use some editing. The ID fields can be hidden, and the column headers can be modified. In addition, another field for percent complete should be added. Click Edit Report.


To add the Percent Complete field, rather than look for this field in a specific report, use the search field to find and select it.


For fields to hide, toggle their x icon.


To adjust column labels and other properties, click each field’s gear icon to open the formatting options. 


When fields are ready, generate the report again. Now each column has a custom label, and unneeded columns are hidden.