Creating One or More Calculations

A compylation can contain one or more calculations, and each calculation presents an analysis of responses to a single survey question.

After you create a compylation, click Create new calculation.

This opens a searchable list of all survey questions whose responses can be used in calculations. Any survey questions with free-form answer formats, such as paragraph, description, or short answer, will not appear in this list. Multi-choice or single-choice questions that have numerical values assigned to options will appear in two formats: with and without numerical values.

Choose the question whose data you want to track, and click Next.

Choose the time period, whose choices are based on the survey frequency. For example, if you have monthly survey results you can create quarterly or annual calculations, but not weekly.

Next, choose the type of calculation, whose choices depend on the question format. In this simple example of an instructor ranking question, a single value is submitted per response. All numerical operations are available, and Average is a good choice for a rating question.


The final step is to choose whether to plot combined data for all survey instances, or to plot data separately for each instance. The separate-instance option is required if this calculation will be fed into a scorecard.

After clicking Save, the data is presented for the question results, and you can replace the default calculation name. You can also edit the calculation, filter results based on gender, race, or location, or segment the data based on the demographic factors.

Data can be presented as a bar graph, or as a trend line. You can click the three-line icon for a variety of printing and download options.

If you want to add more calculations to the compylation, click Create new calculation.

When a compylation contains multiple calculations, you can display the calculation you want by clicking its radio button.