Segmenting Calculation Results

Any single-point data in a calculation can be segmented by demographic options, or any custom field. 

Note: Segmenting is different than filtering, which is used to narrow the presented results to specific demographics or other factors.

Results from a survey question whose response is a single number, such as a rating or other numerical quantity, can be segmented. If segmenting is possible, the Segment Data section will appear to the right of the calculation.

If segmenting is not possible, the Segment Data section section will not appear. Data that cannot be segmented comes from survey questions with a single-choice or multiple-choice format. As an example, a question that asks for preferred activities or locations cannot have segmented results.

For data that can be segmented, results are aggregated for all responses by default.

To segment results, click txrhe question drop-down in the Segment Data section. Available filters are the standard race, gender, and state, along with any custom participant fields or group fields. This example will apply the Gender filter.

Results are now presented for all participants, along with result breakdowns by gender.

You can also combine segmented and filtered LINK data. In this example, data is filtered to include only responses from females, and the data is also segmented by race.