Intro to Control, Compyle, and Scorecard for New Users

Welcome to the Clear Impact Scorecard & Compyle Suite software.
Live Training: We have weekly onboarding webinars on Tuesdays (Suite Overview) and Thursdays (special topics) for new site administrators. You can sign up with this form.
Login, user management, organization account settings, multiple site tools, & billing details
Watch the initial Control training video and review the initial help guides:
- Control Overview Video
- Your User Account: Changing Your Password and Photo
- Managing your Organization Information
Performance measurement, project management, and sharing Scorecards for collective impact
Watch the initial Scorecard training videos:
- Video 1: Scorecard UI Tour
- Video 2: What is a Scorecard?
- Video 3: Creating a Scorecard
- Video 4: Entering Scorecard Data
Check out the other Scorecard guides and videos.
Captures the day-to-day services and support organizations provide to individuals & partners
Watch the initial Compyle training videos:
- Video 1: Introduction to Compyle
- Video 2: Participants and Organizations
- Video 3: Data Collections and Surveys/Data Tools
Check out the other Compyle guides and videos.