Adding an Existing Container to a Scorecard

Any container created in Scorecard, whether from scratch or as part of another scorecard, can be used in other scorecards. 

Note: If you partner with organizations who share scorecards with you, you can add shared containers, or container objects, to your scorecards.

To add an existing container to a new scorecard, or while editing an existing scorecard, click Existing Container.


You can filter the search by Type (results or programs), Tags, or a keyword in the container Title. From the results, choose the container(s) to add, then click Add


Once added, the container appears below any previous containers. You can add a divider, click Edit All to make multiple changes to container objects, or use any object’s Edit icon for individual changes.



Once all containers are added, scroll to the top of the scorecard page and click Back to Scorecard.  This opens the scorecard view.