Adding a New Container to a Scorecard

Containers are the building blocks of a scorecard. 

Each container is a result or program that is to have its success measured. The measures for the result or program are included in the container, and these measures are where data will be entered at the specified measure frequency. (For Compyle users, measures can auto-populate with survey data.)

Note: Users with admin permission can change or add container types, as well as names, icons, or other properties, of all scorecard objects

Containers are typically created during the process of creating a scorecard, as will be shown in the example that follows. Containers can also be created from scratch, via the Results list or Programs list.

Once a container is created, it can be added to any scorecard and edited as needed.


This example will show how to create a container from scratch while creating a scorecard, via the New Container button.

Note: You can also add an existing container to a scorecard.

The scorecard in this example tracks education initiatives, and its first container will measure population accountability. Container type is Result for this example; the other type is Program. The container Title is “All children succeed in school.” 

After clicking Add, the result container is added to the Containers section of the scorecard. 

Below the result name are buttons to add a New Measure or an Existing Measure to the result. This example will show adding a new measure. 

Note: If the measure you want to add already exists in Scorecard, click Existing Measure. This opens a popup in which you can search by Type, Tag, and / or Title. If you partner with organizations who share scorecards with you, you can also add shared measures to your scorecards. Select the measure(s) to import, and once added to the container, you can edit the measure(s) as needed.


The typical measure for a result is an indicator. The first indicator for this result is called “% of students reading at or above grade level.” The assigned “Springfield” tag will make this indicator easy to find for use in future results. The unit of measure is %, one decimal place will be included, reporting frequency is monthly, and for polarity, higher values are better. 

Note: Default reporting periods are monthly, quarterly, annually, and half year. Users with admin permission can create additional reporting frequencies. 

Results can have multiple indicator measures, for example, for different population groups or different sets of data. In this example, the New Measure button was used to add two more indicators, to measure students who graduate high school on time and students who enroll in college. To complete the result measures, click the Save icon for each measure. (Each measure also has a Delete icon.)


Once saved, the result / program itself and each of its measures has its own Edit icon, for making changes only to that object, or to delete the object. In this example, the result was edited to be assigned a tag. Clicking Edit All opens all container objects for editing or deleting. Each container object also has a six-dot Move icon, which can be dragged and dropped to rearrange order.

You can also continue adding new or existing measures to the result or program.

To add a title and visual separator to the top of a container, click Add Divider.

Set the divider color, add a title, and click the Save icon.

A second new container was added in this example, to measure program accountability. This container holds a program named “ABC After School Program,” with four performance measures.

  • Each performance measure is assigned the “ABC” tag. The program itself has both “ABC” and “Springfield” tags. 
  • Units of measure include :1 for the ratio, % for the percent, and $ before the value for currency. No unit is needed for the number value. 
  • Polarity is “Higher is better” for all except for the student-teacher ratio measure, for which lower is better. 

Note: When creating a measure from scratch, all of these data-related fields are available in addition to several others.

After saving, this scorecard now has two containers, each with a titled divider.

Once all containers are added, scroll to the top of the scorecard page and click Back to Scorecard.  This opens the scorecard view page.