How To Add Partner/Child Sites
Onboarding Partners: Creating a new Scorecard-Compyle Suite for New Partners or Programs
Making the New Site
- 1. Log in and open Control.
- 2. Open your primary, lead agency site while in Control
- 3. Expand the Clients menu at the top
- 4. Choose the Create Child option.

- 5. Enter the site details
- Instance Code: Short Name or Acronym for the site
- Org Name: Full Name of Partner/Child
- 6. Click Create Client Site to save the information and create the site. A green confirmation message should appear.
- 7. Go to Clients > List to see all of your sites.

- 8. Check to see if the new site is present.
Adding Users to the New Site
- In Control, switch to the new site in the top navigation bar.
- Expand the Users menu > List
- For Administrators that already have accounts, such as other Unlimited Suite administrators and the partner administrator user(s) if the partner already has one or more sites:
- Click the Add Existing Admin button.
- Enter the email address
- Click the Add button (not the Add to All Children unless this is a new Unlimited Suite Administrator)
- For all other new users:
Scorecard Settings (New Site):
- Admin > Reporting Frequencies
- Create any custom calendars that the partner will need for reporting to your organization wide Scorecard measures
- Example: Create a Fiscal Year calendar with the appropriate month and day start.
- Admin > Partner Connect
- Request to connect to the primary, lead agency Scorecard site
- For partner program sites, request to connect to that partner's other Scorecard sites.
- Admin > API Key
- Copy the API key (only create a new one if there is no existing key)
Compyle Settings (New Site):
- Set the timezone if not Eastern US (default) and click the Update button
- Upload the partner logo
- Change the email "from" text to something like "Compyle Software on behalf of Partner Name..."
- Click the Update button to save the changes
- Set the fiscal year start month if not January (default)
- Enter the API key if it is not already set and click the Update button
- Select the custom Scorecard calendars in the calendar dropdown fields
- Click Update to save the changes.