Viewing and Editing the Built-In Fields in the Top Section of the Participant Form and Organization Form
Note: Changes to standard fields require administrator permission. If additional fields are needed, you can create custom participant or organization fields, or group fields.
When adding participants to your Participants list, default standard fields are included for personal and contact information. The standard fields that can be customized are Gender and Race (you can add options beyond the defaults and hide unwanted options), and Participant ID and Primary Worker fields can be enabled.
Note that enabling Participant ID data entry is done in Instance Settings; if the "automatically assign ID" setting is disabled. the system will assign an ID.
When adding organizations to your Organizations list, default standard fields are included for contact details. These fields cannot be changed, but you can enable the Organization ID field in Instance Settings.
To make changes to standard participant fields, choose Admin / Participant Fields.
Default options for Gender are Male and Female. To add other options, click Add New Option.
Any new gender option you add and save can be deleted, edited, or disabled.
Race options are similar. Several default options are provided, which can be disabled if irrelevant. To add more race options, click Add New Option.
Any race options you add can be deleted, edited, or disabled.
For any disabled option, you can use the Replace icon to replace the option with another race.
Enabling the Primary Worker field means that you’ll be able to specify the Compyle user who works with the participant. Note that if enabled, this field is not mandatory.
If the Primary Worker field is enabled, then Compyle users can filter their Participants list to show only their cases, either from the home page . . .
. . . or the sidebar.
If additional fields are needed, you can configure custom participant / organization fields or group fields.